Thou Shalt Covet

Hotels Other Architects Wish They’d Designed

Our friends at Phaidon books gathered together dozens of the world’s top architects and had them recommend the hotels they love best. Many of them took it a step further.

What Dreams May Come

The Intoxicating Nature of Patagonia

Patagonia is a place of unmatched splendor and magnificence. Unmatched, that is, by everything but its own hotels.

Saline Solution

The Growing Popularity of Saltwater Pools

Compared to traditional pools, saltwater pools are friendlier to the environment, healthier to splash about in, and more sustainable in terms of maintenance and cost. They’re also popping up at many of the world’s coolest hotels.

Sweet Lodge

When you hear the word “lodge,” what’s the first thing you think of? You’re probably picturing something a bit different from these hotels, each of them lodges in their own unique way.

Endurance Test

The Highest-Rated Hotels of the Decade

The boutique hotel revolution that launched in earnest in the aughts all but exploded in the 2010s. There are now options to meet every taste and budget, and more competition for your stay than ever before. To be one of the best boutique hotels of this particular decade is something special indeed.

Invisible City

Dreaming of Venice Before it Disappears

Due to rising sea levels, repeated flooding, and a dwindling population, it’s no longer alarmist to worry about the future of Venice — or wonder how much of one it has left.