Tag: Hotel Spotlight

Enjoy the Silence

From Mezcal to Maison at Casa Silencio

Nestled in Oaxaca, Mexico’s history-soaked Valley of Xaaga, El Silencio is a lauded mezcal maker that believed it was time their product ascended to the natural next plane. Wineries have hotels on the vineyards — why not mezcal?

Spice World

Emerson’s Erotic Reflection of Zanzibar

How would you make love in this space? Emerson Skeens believed the answer to that question was central to the experience at his creations in Zanzibar — two hotels that have been turning up the heat on Tanzania’s Spice Island.

Dark Arts

The Guilty Pleasures of Chicago Athletic Association

The Chicago Athletic Association has had an illustrious and sometimes sordid history that dates back to 1893, when it wasn’t quite a hotel. A lot has changed since then, but the ghosts of the past are never far away.

Chaos Agent

Life House Hopes to Disrupt the Hotel Industry

The founder of Life House looked at how the hotel industry was being run and all he saw was chaos. In response, he didn’t just create a new kind of hotel, one that could operate free from the noise, he’s also giving others agency to do the same.

The Clash

Palazzo Daniele and G-Rough and the Clash

There’s no glory in safe, predictable design. To reach the promised land it takes boldness and bravery. The creators of Palazzo Daniele and G-Rough know this well, and they found magnificence through a daring collision of ancient and modern.

Fire & Ice

ION Adventure Hotel Is Intrinsically Iceland

The ION Adventure Hotel is a pure Icelandic destination in every sense. If you’re looking for an encapsulation of all that makes this country special, look no further. If you’re looking for a club sandwich, you’ll have to look elsewhere.