Feel-Good Story

The Pursuit of Healthiness at Six Senses

Six Senses has come a long way. What started as a single spa has evolved into an empire of luxury hotels and resorts in awe-inspiring locations around the world. Theirs is a story of wonder, wellness, and the occasional shaman.

Inherit the Wind

Capturing the Desert Breeze at Aire de Bardenas

The badlands of the Bardenas Reales are that rarest of Spanish wonders: one that’s relatively undiscovered. Here, an ancient wind sweeps through desert canyons and blows against a modern hotel — a design masterpiece that’s drawing more attention to this isolated region.

Living History

A Ryokan Renews the Lost Charm of the Past

The oldest hotel in the world is a ryokan. These traditional Japanese inns date back to medieval times and weary samurai travelers. Some ryokans have turned an eye toward the future. Others, like Nishimuraya Honkan, have not.

Tourists Welcome

Big Things Are Happening in the Berkshires

North Adams, Massachusetts was an industrial town. Then it became a museum town. With the recent opening of Tourists, it can now call itself a cutting-edge boutique hotel town.

Holy War

Sacred Meets Profane at Kruisherenhotel

A 15th-century Dutch monastery has been infiltrated by modernity: bursting with quirk, bordering on sacrilegious. But the old building has the ultimate defense. Should the government decide, every contemporary flourish in the hotel must be broken down and disappeared in just 90 days.

Cruel Summer

Inside the Halting of the Hotel Industry

Few industries have been impacted by COVID-19 like the hotel industry. As the virus spread, and confusion along with it, nobody was sure exactly what to do. We spoke with a handful of hotel owners and operators to find out how they handled what turned out to be an unprecedented summer.