Tag: Commentary

Executive Decision

Our CEO Selects Her Top Hotels for 2021

On January 1, Lucy Lieberman took over as the CEO of Tablet. She wanted to take a moment to introduce herself via the thing we care about most: hotels. Here are a dozen new Tablet hotels that she’s most excited about for the coming year.

Welcome to 2021

A Message From Our New CEO

Our new CEO, Lucy Lieberman, talks about 2021, the future of travel, and the reality of becoming the head of a hotel booking company in the middle of a pandemic. She also shares a dozen hotels she’s most excited about for the coming year.

Clear Eyes

A View of Venice Through Gardens and Gates

A year ago Venice was devastated by some of the worst flooding in the city’s history. At the time, we wrote about the rising tides and the raft of other problems plaguing the town. Our Italian editor recently paid a visit and what she saw left her hopeful for a future that we hadn’t been so sure about.


The Five Best Stories We Never Published

We’re constantly looking around for interesting travel stories to fill the pages of The Agenda. Sometimes we hit. Sometimes we miss. And sometimes, we abandon the idea entirely. Why? It’s hard to explain. Easier to show you.

Independents Day

American Small Batch Hotels

Smaller hotels tend to be independently-owned, and with COVID-19’s destructive effects on the travel industry, their futures are less certain than the massive mega-chains. Volume #4 of our Staying Small series gives a little love to some of our favorite modestly-sized American hotels.

One Giant Leap

For many parents, traveling with children is intimidating. Especially daunting are the exotic adventures that were commonplace before the kids were born. Heidi Mitchell, journalist and mother of three, explains how she manages to make it all work, and make it worthwhile… most of the time.