Nearly 500 hotels have opened in the southern Aegean Sea since 2020. Here are some thoughts on that staggering fact — and some of our favorites.

Nearly 500 hotels have opened in the southern Aegean Sea since 2020. Here are some thoughts on that staggering fact — and some of our favorites.
The setting for Dexamenes Seaside Hotel is an abandoned wine factory on a beach in Greece. Not that you’ll need reminding. Everything here has changed, but absolutely nothing’s changed.
The best hotels in Athens aren’t against looking backward. In fact, some of them are happy to celebrate the city’s golden age. It’s just not the golden age you’re thinking of.
The thing about forts and watchtowers is that they typically stand guard on some pretty choice locations. That doesn’t change when they’re converted into hotels.
Many moons ago, a volcanic eruption ripped Santorini apart. The caldera it left behind filled with Aegean blue. Thought to be an inspiration for the legend of Atlantis, the majestic island is iconic, and Perivolas is perhaps its most iconic hotel.