Tag: Context Travel

Spirited Away

The Best Hotel Bars in Paris

A hotel bar that only attracts hotel guests is fine. A hotel bar that also attracts locals — that’s a sign that somebody did something right. There’s a lot going right in Paris these days.

Under the Radar

Few Parisian hotspots remain exclusively for locals. Les Batignolles, however, a former village in the northwest of the city, is heating up and staying a secret from the sightseers. For now.

Death in the Vatican

The Vatican is no stranger to scandal. And one shameful legend in particular epitomizes the religious, political, and economic realities of a 16th-century papacy. Hilary Bockham, expert guide with Context Travel, tells the twisted tale of Leo X and Hanno the elephant.

Treasure Underground

The more you burrow down beneath the surface of Rome, the more history you unearth. Theresa Potenza, expert guide with Context Travel, plunges the depths to show us a city that’s eternal both above ground and below.

Lost Generation

Ernest Hemingway’s time in Paris is the stuff of legend, but key players in his story are often overlooked. Samuél Lopez-Barrantes sheds light on a group of pioneering women who had a lasting influence on the young writer.