Travel History

Shangri La

Heaven on Earth and Hawaii's Best Hotels

First, a look at Doris Duke’s Shangri La in Hawaii. Then, a look at some of the best hotels the islands have to offer.

On Holiday

Holiday magazine reached its zenith during the Golden Age of travel and publishing. But like everything born out of nostalgia, the “golden age” wasn’t quite as golden as it seemed.

Key Wrecked

The Florida Keys of the 19th century were nothing like they are today. Before tourism dominated Key West, several adventurous professions made it one of Florida’s most booming industrial cities.

The Hippie Trail

Imagine a teenager deciding to hitchhike their way from London to Kabul. Now imagine thousands of them. What sounds crazy for 2019 was happening with surprising frequency in 1969, on a route known as the Hippie Trail.

March of Progress

Martin Luther King said that “the line of progress is never straight.” When it comes to the history of tourism, the line swerved past 99% of the world’s population before it finally delivered the vacation as we know it today.

Citizen Twain

A Quintessential American Finds Ugliness Abroad

Mark Twain wrote one of the 19th century’s most popular travel books. But the ugly ways in which he described the world say more about him — and perhaps America — than the places he visited.