Whether you’re a frequent flyer or you’ve saved for years to finally get away, there’s one thing we can all agree on: it’s hard to beat a beautiful beach hotel. Here are a dozen of the best examples that have been recently added to Tablet.

Whether you’re a frequent flyer or you’ve saved for years to finally get away, there’s one thing we can all agree on: it’s hard to beat a beautiful beach hotel. Here are a dozen of the best examples that have been recently added to Tablet.
Have you ever really wanted to go on a camping trip but you have no gear and no idea what to do? Consider starting with these luxury tent hotels instead.
What a long, strange year it was. We all deserve some time away to unwind. Thankfully, there are hotels designed to help us do just that.
The days of a totally immersive Westworld-style hotel park may be some years off — but we know a few hotels that come pretty close. For when one roof just isn’t enough; sometimes it really does take a village.