Tag: Mexico

Muy Auténtico

Oaxaca Knows What it Takes to Stay Unique

What does a naked protest against McDonald’s tell us about the boutique hotels of Oaxaca, Mexico? Everything.

Running the Game

Boutique Hotels Still Can’t Be Beat in Tulum

Tulum may no longer be the hidden gem it once was, but it’s got a ways to go before it becomes Cancún. To understand why, look no further than the town’s hotels.


Mexico’s Hauntingly Beautiful Mansion Hotels

The origins of Halloween are debatable: pagan, Christian, pre-Colombian. What’s not up for debate is the country that has the best version of Halloween — and the best hotels made from grand old houses.


Hotel Terrestre Helps You Live Your Best Life

We often imagine what civilizations would look like on other planets. But how would those alien civilizations imagine us? Mexico’s Hotel Terrestre is the answer, and it’s a flattering one.

Western Promises

Pacific Coast Mexico Is the Truth

Mexico’s Pacific Coast stretches along the country’s southwest rim from Nayarit to Oaxaca. It’s a glorious collision of land and sea where you’ll find legendary beach destinations and boutique hotels that count among the most awe-inspiring in the world.

Enjoy the Silence

From Mezcal to Maison at Casa Silencio

Nestled in Oaxaca, Mexico’s history-soaked Valley of Xaaga, El Silencio is a lauded mezcal maker that believed it was time their product ascended to the natural next plane. Wineries have hotels on the vineyards — why not mezcal?