The hotel you choose for your dream getaway reveals a lot about the kind of person you are. Find your dream hotel — and find out what it says about you.

The hotel you choose for your dream getaway reveals a lot about the kind of person you are. Find your dream hotel — and find out what it says about you.
In the years since we launched Tablet the hospitality landscape has continued to evolve. Here’s a look at the hotel brands that changed the game, and the hotels with which they did it.
Business travelers: you owe it to yourselves to slow the hectic pace for at least a few hours and unwind with some “me time.” And don’t just settle for a hot bath — these spas are institutions unto themselves, well worth the pleasure of a dedicated afternoon.
If you focus only on visual style, you might miss out on the fact that the biggest change to hit the world of hotels has been a conceptual one. The best hotels these days are social spaces.
When we heard that Kanye West was talking about adding “hotelier” to his already overstuffed résumé, we thought there’d be no time like the present to arrange an interview. But even though we’re arguably the world’s experts on unique and extraordinary hotels, our calls went unreturned. Nothing personal, we understand; but in the spirit of open collaboration, we offer our advice below.