Destination Hotels

The Odyssey

An Epic Journey to the Greek Islands

Just as the sirens of Greek mythology lured sailors toward their rocky shores, the hotels of the Greek islands attract travelers to their luxurious cliffside accommodations. The latter scenario is far more hospitable, but no less epic.

Modern Spin

Mexico’s Hotels Take a Fresh Look at Tradition

In so many of its most exciting hotels, Mexico has mastered the art of marrying traditional forms with modern designs, creating the perfect blend of old-world charm and present-day progress.

Surf and Safari

An Inviting Variety of Hotels in Sri Lanka

The most remarkable thing about Sri Lanka might just be the incredible variety that’s packed into such a compact island. The hotels are no exception.

What Dreams May Come

The Intoxicating Nature of Patagonia

Patagonia is a place of unmatched splendor and magnificence. Unmatched, that is, by everything but its own hotels.

Rural Legends

Portugal’s Cutting-Edge Countryside Hotels

Portugal is one of the world’s hottest destinations. There are lots of reasons why. Our favorite is the number of thrilling new hotels opening throughout the country’s less populated areas.

National Bird

The Overwater Bungalow: At Home in Maldives

The overwater bungalow is one of the most impressive hotel species in the world. The very first were found in Tahiti in the 1960s, but the islands of the Maldives are now their dominant habitat.