In the mountains of northern Spain, Solo Palacio is a celebration of wabi-sabi, a condemnation of the pursuit of perfection, a steward of its surroundings, and a thoroughly singular hotel.

In the mountains of northern Spain, Solo Palacio is a celebration of wabi-sabi, a condemnation of the pursuit of perfection, a steward of its surroundings, and a thoroughly singular hotel.
Hoteliers are almost as obsessed with putting hotels into religious structures as Hollywood is with setting its horror films in them. For your Halloween enjoyment, here are thirteen examples of the former, and absolutely no opinion on the latter.
London is no stranger to tradition, from afternoon tea to the monarchy. But rebellion, from Guy Fawkes to the Sex Pistols to these nonconformist hotels, is never far behind.
Before the dream of the ’60s died, it produced The Sea Ranch, an attempt at utopia on California’s northern coast. It also produced the newly renovated Sea Ranch Lodge, which once again reflects the idealism and design this community is famous for.
Stop us if you’ve heard this one before. A couple of Silicon Valley millionaires learn their favorite English village is falling on hard times. So they set out to revitalize it — one pub, post office, chip shop, farm, and guest room at a time.