Tag: Belize

Stilted Lover

Elevated Hotels That Won't Let You Down

There’s a lot to love about hotels on stilts. Unlike your past romantic partners, when your hotel room leaves you high and dry, it’ll leave you with nothing but positive memories.


If You Could Only Choose One Island Hotel...

It’s hard to go wrong with an island getaway: sun, sand, surf, and the feeling that you’re basically in paradise. But don’t get too comfortable yet. When it comes to your hotel, you still have some big decisions to make.

It’s All Wood

Just like a vaccine contains the virus, when you’ve got cabin fever, the only prescription is more cabins.

Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora

Offshore Havens

A room on the beach may be enough for the average island-hopper, but for a more immersive experience, nothing beats sleeping offshore, with the waves lapping practically at the foot of the bed. Two words: overwater bungalows.