Hoteliers are almost as obsessed with putting hotels into religious structures as Hollywood is with setting its horror films in them. For your Halloween enjoyment, here are thirteen examples of the former, and absolutely no opinion on the latter.

Hoteliers are almost as obsessed with putting hotels into religious structures as Hollywood is with setting its horror films in them. For your Halloween enjoyment, here are thirteen examples of the former, and absolutely no opinion on the latter.
Members’ clubs are experiencing a surge in popularity not seen since the Gilded Age, and hotels are following right along with the trend. You can thank the pandemic, apparently.
There doesn’t exist a hotel on earth that can match the majesty of a Yellowstone or Banff or Kruger or Komodo. Or does there? Part 4 of 4, featuring hotels in Latin America.
There doesn’t exist a hotel on earth that can match the majesty of a Yellowstone or Banff or Kruger or Komodo. Or does there? Part 3 of 4, featuring hotels in the U.S. and Canada.
There doesn’t exist a hotel on earth that can match the majesty of a Yellowstone or Banff or Kruger or Komodo. Or does there? Part 2 of 4, featuring hotels in Europe and Africa.